
a little more...

The Royal Bengal Tiger

      The majestic Royal Bengal Tiger is the national animal Bangladesh. Highly endangered, the Royal Bengal can now be mostly be found in the Sundarbans.

One of the largest of the 'big cats', it has extremely bold and striking colour pattern - making it perhaps the most magnificent and  fiery beast of the world!  The vivid pattern of stripes on the glossy skin serves as a very effective camouflage in the grasses and foliage almost in all the seasons.




1)Adriana N.-Freedom of speech, right to live, and fair voting rights are some of the issues going on. I think that the restriction of the right to live needs our attention ASAP!
2)Angelica-Again..freedom of speech is being violated here and I think that without the right of expressing themselves they are being like puppets..controlled.There's also a big problem of drug trafficking and nobody is taking ACTION!
3)Anluishgie-I'm impact by the continuous sexual,metal, and physical abuse child domestic workers are receiving by their employers. Also WE need to help to stop SEX discrimination and speech violations.
4)Giovanni- Too much aggressive violations and beatings going on in prison...the government should change.
5) Ian-This country really needs our help! TOO much poverty going on and death's.The president left so to my understanding its unstable.
6)Jalimar-Simply this...too much war between themselves!
7)Paola C.-The government have been unstable for too much....20 years.They need help to go to the next step and improve.
8)Wilson-TOO  much torture and horrible prison conditions.Help!
9)Yvette-Tibet is an "independent" country!China should not get involved with it anymore!
10)Giselle-Homosexuality issues! we are ALL EQUAL!


Resolution Proposal!!!

     To start, as a human I am disappointed at the many cruel abuse that Salauddin was subjected to. We cannot go to Bangladesh and simply tell the security forces to stop beating people in prison or in interrogations. My proposal to this big problem is to talk with the government about this serious problem because I'm the kind of person that thinks that with communication, problems can be solved. Also, I don't expected that this whole problem is going to be solved in a couple of weeks BUT I do expect that if Bangladeshi people and us unite as one and confront the problem and look for possible solutions.
     My second proposal to limited or prohibited freedom of assembly or talking is that if the government can talk and they think they control the country then why do they try to prohibit the expressions of the citizen? Are they hiding something? As a solution, people should FIGHT for their rights.....Religion.We are responsible for what we choose and  we can do whatever we want so why make an issue if it's the same God.
     Women rights. Why aren't women equal to men? I think that us as a resolution can show men and everybody that women can do ANYTHING man can do. Let's show them girls!
     My last proposal to the last current human rights of robbing in a human defender's house is this: As a human, nobody can "invade" somebody else's house, family nor privacy as The Universal Declaration of Rights says.They should keep their faith and FIGHT for what is right and confront them. Take action `and fight for what is RIGHT!



Human Rights Issues!

     As Article #5 in The Universal Declaration Of Rights.."No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." Recently on December 22,2010, Bangladeshi security forces tortured Salauddin Quader Chowdhury,63 yrs, during interrogations. Security forces applied electrodes to his genitals,beat him,slitting his stomach with razors and twisting his toenails with pliers. Salauddin was arrested in connection with a case where a car was set alight in Dhaka;killing a passenger.After being tortured, he was taken to the hospital for an asthma consition and was told that there was gong to be further torture. Salauddin has suffered three heart attacks. I really think this is an in-human way of giving a punishment to somebody. As the Abbas Faiz  said:"The government of Bangladesh is obligated under international human rights law, to protect all persons under its jurisdiction from torture and other ill-treatment at all times".Now, where were they when this happened???
     Article #19 says:"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."Bangladesh's government limited and prohibited freedom of assembly  mainly for political opponents and in some occasions limited freedom of movement.There was also a violation to Article #18 which says that " Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance". There was violence to members of the Ahmadiya religious minority.
     But as to women rights...dozens of people were injured, one dead and more than 100 arrested on April 4 2011, during a confrontation between police officers and demonstrator that appeal of Islamic parties opposed to promote equality of women. I apply Article #19(mentioned earlier) and Article #6.." Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law" Why? Why do they treat US women differently. We can do anything men can do so why not consider women equal to men. Doesn't article #6 says that everybody should be treated equally by the law?
     And to the last current human rights violation or issue currently happening in Bangladesh is that State agents allow army officers' relatives to rob off the house of a human right DEFENDER.According to Article #12,"No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks."This mean that they are obvioulsy invading somebody's privacy violating it when it is a right to have it. I don't see the logical part on invading a human rights defender's privacy when the person is doing the right thing.



The History of Bangladesh's worst Natural Disasters

     Bangladesh is a victim to a variety of natural hazards. It has witnessed the devastation of some of the worst natural disasters of the world due to TROPICAL CYCLONES and STORM SURGES. Floods and local seasonal storms are annual events which cause loss of lives and damage to housing, agriculture and economy. The country is also exposed to the risk of earthquakes and possibly tsunami too. There are other natural hazard concerns such as coastal erosion and sea level rise due to global warming, which also need to be delivered on a long term basis.Here some natural disasters that has happened throughout history.
      The 1997 Chittagong Earthquake or the 1997 Bandarban Earthquake.It ocurred on November 21,1997 in the Bangladesh India Myanmar border region. It had a magnitude of 6.1. The epicenter was located in southern Mizoram, India.While no fatalities were reported in Mizoram, 23 people were killed when a 5-storey building collapsed in hittaging, Bangladesh.It destroyed 50-100 houses and there was from 200-1000 people injured.
      Floods.The 1998 food is one of the most destructive flood in modern history, where about 2/3 of Bangladesh was covered by water.The main causes of the flood was the unsually high monsoon rains, melting snow from the Himalayas.These increased the amount o surface water there was and increasedd te volume of water in two main rivers. The Ganges and the Brahmuuputra both had more than the normal amount of water that they could carry and so were overflowing and flooding. The water swallowed 300,000 house. 1,000 people were killed by drowning or disease like typhoid and cholera from contaminated water.The agriculture had a severe blow with the loss of 135,00 cattle and the damaging of 700,000 hectares of crop land.30 million people were made homeless,there comes poverty, 50 square kilometers of land destroyed.
     The 1991 Bangladesh cyclone was among the deadliest tropical cyclones on record. On the night of April 29th, a powerful cyclone struck the Chittagong district of southeastern Bangladesh with winds of around 250 km/h.The storm forced 20 ft. storm surge inland over a wide area, killing at least 138,000 people and leaving as many as 10 million homeless.
     This are three of the many natural hazards that have affected Bangladesh throughout history. These natural disasters have lead to many homeless people and to a great amount of poverty.Mainly the floods are the major caused of Bangladesh's current state.....


It's Background History!!

      Formerly called East Pakistan has remained in a state of political instability ever since the turmoil of civil war.Portuguese traders were the first one and missionaries were the first Europeans to reach Bengal in the latter part of the 15th century. They were followed by representatives of the Dutch, French, and British East India Companies. By the end of the 17th century, the British presence on the Indian subcontinent was centered in Calcutta.
      During the 18th and 19th centuries, the British extended their commercial contacts and administrative control beyond Calcutta to Bengal. In 1859, the British Crown replaced the East India Company,extending British dominion from Bengal, which became a region of India, in the east to the Indus River's in the west.....The rise of nationalism throughout British-controlled India in the late 19th century resulted in animosity between the Hindu and Muslim communities. In, 1885 the All-India National Congress was founded with Indian and  British membership.The subsequent history of the nationalist movement was characterized by periods of Hindu-Muslim cooperation, as well as by communal antagonism.
       When British India was partitioned and the independent dominions of India and Pakistan were created in 1947, the region of Bengal was divided along religious lines. The Muslim eastern half was designated East Pakistan- and made part of the newly independent Pakistan-while the Hindu western part became the Indian state of West Bengal. In the other hand, East Pakistanis felt exploited by the West Pakistan-dominated central  government. Linguistic, cultural, and ethnic differences also contributed to the estrangement (hostile;indifferent) of Eastern West Pakistan. Bengalis strongly resisted attempts to impose Urdu as the sole official language of Pakistan.Responding to this distress, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1948 formed a students' organization called "Chhatra League". In 1949, Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani and some other Bengali leaders formed the East Pakistan "Awami Muslim League"(AL), a party designed mainly to promote Bengali interests. This party dropped the word Muslim from its name in 1955 and came to be unknown as Awami League. Mujib became president of the AL in 1966 and emerged as leader of the Bengali autonomy movement. In 1966, he was arrested for his political activities.
       On March 26, 1971, Bengali nationalists declared an independent "People's Republic of Bangladesh. As fighting grew between the army and the Bengali "mukti bahini or "freedom fighters", an estimated 10 million Bengalis, mainly Hindus, sought refuge in the Indian states of Assam and West Bengal. On April 17, 1971, a provisional government was formed in Meherpur, district in western Bangladesh bordering India with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who was in prison in Pakistan, as President, Syed Nazrul Islam as Acting President, and Tajuddin Ahmed as Prime Minister.
       The crisis in East Pakistan produced new strains in Pakistan's troubled relations with India.The two nations had fought in 1965, but the refugee pressure in India in the fall of 1971 produced NEW tensions in the east.On December 1971, Pakistani forces SURRENDERED, and Bangladesh (meaning "Bengal Country) was BORN. The new country became a parliamentary democracy under a 1972 constitution.The first government of the new station of Bangladesh was formed in Dhaka with justice Abu Sayeed Choudhury as President, and Sheikh ujibur Rahman("Mujib")- who was released from Pakistani prison in early 1972>>as Prime Minister.
